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Metro Beijing

9 jailed for smuggling people

Updated: 2010-08-19 08:56
By Li Jiabao ( China Daily)

Gang tried to help people leave the country

Nine people, including two brothers, have been jailed for terms ranging from six months to three years for trying to smuggle would-be illegal emigrants across the border.

Beijing Chaoyang District People's Court heard that the brothers, named Tian Zhikui and Tian Zhida, were the ringleaders in an operation that tried to secretly get people out of the country- with the help of an international trading company they set up.

In addition to the prison time, the nine were ordered to pay fines ranging from 3,000 yuan to 30,000 yuan.

"In view of the number of offenders, this is the biggest such case in recent years," said Zang Desheng, a chief judge with Beijing Chaoyang District People's Court.

The court sentenced Tian Zhikui, the principal offender who established the company in 2008, to three years in prison and fined him 30,000 yuan.

Others in the gang were responsible for recruiting stowaways, allegedly tricking oversea institutions out of invitations, arranging visa interviews and booking flight tickets and insurance.

The court said the others involved in the operation were all aware that what they were doing was illegal.

Two would-be illegal emigrants, surnamed Xie and Wang, from Henan province, were caught as they tried to leave the country last July. They had managed to secure Portuguese visas with the help of the enterprise.

At least five other would-be illegal emigrants were arrested while waiting for fraudulent visas.

The gang charged each would-be emigrant 55,000 yuan, according to Tian Zhikui's confession.

Tian Zhikui's lawyer appealed for a light sentence, pointing out that none of those trying to illegally leave China actually managed to do so.

However, the judge said the gang may have managed to get some people across the border.

"Tian Zhikui was said to have successfully transported six passengers, having charged each between 40,000 yuan and 50,000 yuan," Zang said.

However, because the court could not prove the six had been taken out of the country, offences related to them were not considered, said Zang.

The court heard that Tian Zhikui worked as an agent for would-be illegal emigrants for more than three years before setting up his own company.

The court seized items used in the illegal business, including passports and the company's business license as well as 11 computers and digital memory devices.

The passports and identification of would-be illegal emigrants were returned.
