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Jolie: Africa or France?

Agencies | Updated: 2006-04-09 10:22

Jolie: Africa or France?

Angelina Jolie can't decide whether to give birth to her baby in Africa or France.

The heavily-pregnant actress and lover Brad Pitt have booked a three-month stay in a plush hotel in Namibia, south west Africa, but have put a private plane on standby in case they decide to fly to France at the last minute.

A source told Britain's Daily Mirror newspaper: "They've provisionally booked a room for 12 weeks but they've got a jet on standby in case they decide they want their child to be born in Paris after all."

"Angelina is passionate about Africa and thinks the idea of her and Brad's child having an African passport is really cool. But they've yet to decide if it'd the best place for her to give birth."

Last month, it was claimed Angelina - who adopted her daughter Zahara from Africa last year - was planning to give birth in France as a tribute to her dying mother.

Angelina's mom, Marcheline Betrand, who has terminal cancer, was born in the European country although she now lives in the US.

She reportedly wanted her daughter, who also has an adopted son, Maddox, to maintain a "circle of life" by delivering her child there.