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China Daily Website

  • Tiangong-1

    2011-09-27 09:27

    Tiangong-1 is a rendezvous and docking target spacecraft of China's manned space engineering project, mainly developed by China Academy of Space Technology.

  • First man-made satellite

    2011-09-27 09:27

    China launched its first satellite Dong Fang Hong I (DFH I) to earth orbit on April 24, 1970, becoming the fifth country in the world to independently launch satellite.

  • Timeline of China's space industry

    2011-09-27 08:51

    Starting from 1956, China's space industry has realized great achievements. Here is a timetable of the country's space industry.

  • China's manned space program

    2011-09-27 08:51

    China's manned spaceflight program was officially approved in 1992. And its first unmanned experimental spacecraft, Shenzhou 1, lifted off from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center on November 20, 1999.

  • Long March rocket

    2011-09-27 08:51

  • Chang'e-1 lunar probe

    2011-09-26 16:50

    Chang'e-1, China's first lunar probe, has ended its 16-month mission with a planned impact with the moon at 4:13 pm Beijing Time Sunday. Moon Exploration

  • Chang'e-2 lunar probe

    2011-09-26 16:50

    Chinese scientists maneuvered the country's second lunar probe Chang'e-2 to an experimental orbit Tuesday evening, making preparations for taking pictures of the moon's Sinus Iridum, or Bay of Rainbows.

  • Beidou navigation system

    2011-09-26 16:50

    China successfully launched an orbiter into space at 5:44 am Beijing Time Wednesday, as a part of its indigenous satellite navigation and positioning network known as Beidou.

  • Mars probe

    2011-09-26 16:50

    China will update and modify its lunar probes to develop a Mars probe, Ye Peijian, chief scientist of deep space exploration at the China Academy of Space Technology, told China Daily.

  • Shenzhou VII mission

    2011-09-26 14:51
