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Chanting contest promotes Arabic language skills

Updated: 2012-09-27 07:46
By Cui Jia (China Daily)

Chanting contest promotes Arabic language skills

China's National Quranic Chanting Competition has helped to promote standard Arabic pronunciation of the Islamic holy book in the country, according to the China Islamic Association.

The association has hosted the contest every other year since 1995. More than 50 people from 23 provinces and regions participated in last year's event when Wali Mehsut, from the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, won first prize.

"Contestants from Xinjiang have always been relatively strong in Quranic chanting," said Guo Chengzhen, vice-president of the association, which has organized nine contests so far. Some of the winners have been chosen to represent China in international contests.

"Standardizing pronunciation could help to unify Chinese Muslims and those in other countries. Some Chinese Muslims may have a strong accent when they chant, and accents vary from place to place. That can lead to confusion at times," explained Guo.

Quranic chanting has developed into a specialized subject with strict standards relating to Arabic grammar, linguistics, phonology and musicology, according to Zhang Lebing, deputy director of the State Administration of Religious Affairs, quoted on the China Islamic Association's official website.

Improving the quality of chanting among Muslims could significantly benefit their beliefs because many people may only achieve real fluency when they learn the true meaning of the book, he said.

"Once people understand the meaning of the Quran, they seem to chant beautifully," said Axiya from Northeast China's Liaoning province, who won second prize in last year's competition.

As a child, Axiya of Hui ethnic group, loved to listen to the Quran being chanted because of the beautiful musical rhythm. She believed that some of those middle-aged women she has taught were able to master the skill in a relatively short time because of their strong faith, even though they had never studied Arabic or any other foreign language before.

Bao Chang contributed to this story.

(China Daily 09/27/2012 page6)

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