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China Daily Website

Full Text: Work report of NPC Standing Committee

Updated: 2011-03-18 15:19
( Xinhua)

III. Making new progress in fully utilizing the role of deputies, developing foreign contacts and intensifying self-improvement efforts

We need to take advantage of the opportunity created by implementing the revised Law on Deputies to People's Congress, take upholding and improving the system of people's congresses as our starting point, steadfastly respect the principal position of deputies, maintain an attitude of serving them, and strive to improve the level of our work for them. We will diligently handle bills and proposals submitted to this session by deputies; further improve the quality of the handling of them, strengthen deputies' investigations and studies of special issues and their inspection tours; improve the way they carry out activities; well organize studies for them on matters relating to their duties; invite them to participate in activities of the Standing Committee and special committees; and get them to better play their role in supervising state affairs.

With the focus on consolidating and improving the NPC's mechanisms for regular exchanges with foreign congresses and parliaments, we need to extensively develop friendly contacts with them; actively participate in the activities of international and regional parliamentary organizations; make full use of the unique role of the NPC's foreign contacts in enhancing mutual political trust, deepening friendship with other peoples, developing pragmatic cooperation, and promoting the development of state-to-state relations; and make new contributions to safeguarding the important period of strategic opportunities for China's development.

We need to concentrate on adhering to the correct political orientation, further intensify the Standing Committee's self-development, and unswervingly uphold the leadership of the Party, the socialist system and the socialist path of political development with Chinese characteristics. We will improve our organizational and work systems, become better able to fulfill our duties, conscientiously present lectures on special topics, carry out thorough investigations and studies, and forge close ties with the people. We will make full use of the special committees' capable personnel, dense knowledge, wealth of experience and other features and strengths, and further improve the overall quality and level of the Standing Committee's work. We will widely publicize the great significance and basic experience of forming a socialist system of laws with Chinese characteristics, strengthen and improve publicity and reportage work, increase the transparency of the NPC's work, and willingly accept oversight by deputies and the people. We will strengthen our relationship with standing committees of local people's congresses, learn from their good work methods and work experiences, and push forward the socialist democratic legal system together. Agencies of the NPC should intensify the campaign to encourage their Party members to excel in their work, improve the overall quality and capabilities of their cadres and other employees, provide good services, and serve as good advisors and assistants.
