China / Latest News

Highway reinvigorates tourism in far-off county

[2014-10-15 17:52]

The construction, renovation and expansion of the Sichuan-Tibet Highway, or 318 State Highway, has brought business opportunities and improved the lives of people in a mountainous Tibetan-inhabited area, in Southwest China's Sichuan province.

A lifeline to Tibet’s Medog county

[2014-10-21 16:42]

Medog county, a small town in the Tibet autonomous region with a population of 11,000, was China's last county without a highway link until a vital roadway–the Medog Highway–was opened in October 2013.

Tibet village takes new turn after roadwork

[2014-10-20 15:51]

Spotting an opportunity after sections of the 318 State Highway turned from bumpy dirt patch to asphalt road, Khenrab Tashi, a villager in Kese village in Changdu of Tibet autonomous region, launched a transportation business with his fellow villagers in 2009.

Tough life of China's high maintenance team

[2014-10-17 18:15]

The fifth road maintenance team under Dege County Road Management Bureau is located along the 317 State Highway on a 4,889-meter mountain slope on Que'er Mountain.

Highway revitalizes cutoff county

[2014-10-15 19:13]

This photo shows Dawu residents of Tibetan ethnicity in a home-inn, which features splendid wall carvings and paintings.This home has been turned into a tourist destinations, in Ganzi Tibetan autonomous region, Southwest China’s Sichuan province, Oct 13.

New tunnel will ease traffic flow in Sichuan

[2014-10-14 15:16]

The first highway in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture is expected to be complete in 2018 and reduce the traveling time from Ya'an to Kangding to two hours from the current four.

Sichuan-Tibet Highway marks 60 years

[2014-10-11 11:10]

Reporters from ten Chinese mainland and Hong Kong websites are embarking on a journey to Lhasa on Sichuan-Tibet Highway, reporting on livelihoods in cities and towns along the route and surveying possible benefits the overland road has brought to local people.

Tibet rearranges archives for highway martyrs

[2014-10-10 17:32]

The work of rearranging archives for martyrs who died for the construction of the Qinghai-Tibet and Sichuan-Tibet highways is under way to mark the 60th anniversary of their opening.

China prepares for Qinghai-Tibet Expressway

[2014-10-07 20:46]

China has the capability to build an expressway linking up Tibet autonomous region and Qinghai province if major technical barriers are overcome.
