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Quake rebuilding to buoy state-owned enterprises2008-05-28
Reconstruction of earthquake-ravaged regions will bring huge business opportunities for major state-owned enterprises.

Earthquake wake-up call for reinsurance use2008-05-22
Standard & Poor's said earthquake-related insurance claims may act as a wake-up call for the country's insurers to review their risk management practices and reconsider their use of reinsurance.

Tibetans have unprecedented social, economic rights2008-04-02
Statistics show that 122 textbooks in the Tibetan language, covering 16 subjects at levels from primary school to senior middle school, have been published in recent years.

Supervising supervisors 2006-09-15
Seven officials in charge of coal mine safety in Shanxi have been indicted and sentenced this year, providing clues as to why there are so many deadly coal mine accidents in the province.

Another way to develop 2006-09-14
The State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) has finally found the culprit behind blood poisoning that has caused 179 villagers to be hospitalized in Northwest China's Gansu Province.

"Go West" drive focuses on sustainability2004-11-19
"Western development" has become a buzz phrase since the concept was formally put forward five years ago. Since then, it has evolved from a concept on paper to the implementation of the nation's policies, which significantly benefit the vast but economically backward region.

Cautious land-forest conversion continues in west region2004-10-15
China will not retreat from its massive drive of "returning reclaimed farmland to forest" in the west, but will proceed with caution to ensure sustainable development and a better life for farmers.

China spares no efforts promoting Tibet development2004-05-24
Tibet has witnessed rapid economic and social development since the Chinese government decided to devote special attention to the region and get all the other parts of China to aid Tibet in the late 1970's, according to a white paper issued by the Information Office of the State Council Sunday.

'Go west' strategy brings hope to region2004-03-23
At a weekend working conference, Premier Wen Jiabao pledged to unswervingly carry out the nation's western development strategy.

Lawmakers listen to people2004-03-09
Lawmakers in this western city have begun to hear public opinion on proposed legislation, the latest instance of Chinese local legislatures' drive to reflect the public's interests.

Buttering up buddha: tibetan style 2004-02-21
Now that the people in the coastal areas of the country have enjoyed the fresh flowers and lantern shows of the Lantern Festival, which falls on the 15th of the first month of the Chinese lunar year - February 5 this year, the people in Tibet Autonomous Region and other Tibetan-populated areas in Southwest and Northwest China are getting set to admire their "butter flower and lantern" shows 15 days from now in the monasteries around the region.

Go West, but slowly, say experts 2003-12-13
China's "Go-West" campaign should focus on the long-term and all-round development in vast western regions, a senior expert suggested.

Ending rural irregularities2003-08-21
At a time when big cities are erecting luxurious court buildings to showcase the "rule of law," a county in Northwest China's Shanxi Province seems to have come closer to sorting out legal priorities.

Going west to benefit all sides2003-06-30

College graduates going to western China to work will find themselves in a win-win situation. They will get experience and training, the western regions will acquire much-needed skilled personnel, and China as a whole will realize a more balanced distribution of human resources.

Three Gorges project can withstand devastating floods - experts2003-06-07
The civil engineers responsible for the construction of the Three Gorges Water Control Project said here Saturday that the massive project is capable of operating in extremely severe flood situations.

East, west co-operation narrows gap 2003-04-15
Cooperation between China's affluent east and the relatively bleak and backward west has begun to bear economic fruit.

Prudence required in tapping groundwater in west China 2003-04-08
Groundwater could provided a clean and sustainable water source for some 500,000 people in arid west China, Vice-Minister of Land and Resources Shou Jiahua told an ongoing 2003 work meeting of the China Geology Research Bureau.

Market mechanism vital for the western regions' development' 2003-03-27
The most effective way to develop China's vast hinterland is not a massive capital injection by the central government, but free market mechanisms that adjust the distribution of capital, labor and natural resources, Lou Jiwei, China's vice-minister of Finance, has said.

Water issues vital for northwestern China: Vice Premier 2003-01-22
Chinese Vice-premier Wen Jiabao called for the best allocation of water resources in the country's northwest region, in Beijing on Monday.

Huang Ju urges faster pace for economic development in Western China 2003-01-22
Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Huang Ju urged local governments to use the opportunity of the "Go-West Campaign" to further speed up economic development in western China.

Qinghai-Tibet Railway earthquake resistant - experts 2002-11-21
Though being built across a plateau where earthquakes frequently occur, the Qinghai-Tibet railway underway in western China should resist violent tremors thanks to preventive measures being taken, experts say.

Eco-environment protection stressed in development of western regions 2002-11-13
Priority has been given to protecting and improving the ecological environment in the implementation of China's strategy of developing its vast western hinterland, officials from the central government and western regions said in Beijing on November 12.

Economist urges China to treat root of desert woes 2002-05-21
A leading agricultural economist warned China on Tuesday to tackle the causes, not symptoms of stifling sandstorms and rapid soil erosion as the country launches a billion-dollar battle against desertification.

West China, a new foreign investment destination 2002-04-09
Despite the global economic downtown, China's west attracted more than US$4.4 billion in contractual foreign investment in2001, with US$1.924 billion put to use. Both the figuresrepresent increases of over 15 percent.

Education, major driving force in Tibet's social & economic development 2001-04-29
After Tibet was peacefully liberated, the CPC central committee attached great importance in the region's cause of education. The Chinese government has continuously invested nearly 10 billion yuan in the region's schools at various levels and cultivated batches of talents, which has facilitated the economic development, social progress and prosperity in the region.

Ethnic minorities biggest beneficiaries of West China development2001-03-03
China's ethnic minorities will be the biggest beneficiaries of the strategy of developing west China, members of the Ninth Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee said.

Development to benefit Tibetan people 2000-11-13
Development of a market economy will help Tibetans increase their wealth and improve their living conditions, said Xu Ping, an expert with China National Centre for Tibetan Studies.

Market economy: prerequisite to Tibet's modernization 2000-11-13
Development of market economy will help Tibetans hike up wealth and improve living conditions, said Xu Ping, an expert with China National Center for Tibetan Studies,

Economist on accelerated melting of West China into economic globalization 2000-10-21
Chinese economist, Li Jingwen, said Friday that China should seize the favorable opportunity of economic globalization and utilize new Eurasian continental bridge to speed up western China's merge into the economic globalization.

Market system indispensable for western China development 2000-07-10
Priority should be given to the market system in the development of China's western regions, said an article in the China Economic Times.

West development strategy good chance for SOE reform 2000-07-06
Vice Premier Wu Bangguo has said that the west-developing strategy has brought about good opportunities for the restructuring of local state-owned enterprises (SOE) in China's underdeveloped areas.

Spring planting should be done well - vice-premier 2000-04-25
Chinese Vice-Premier Wen Jiabao has called for all localities to do the spring planting carefully and well in their respective areas.

Development of West to bring great changes to ethnic minorities 2000-03-08
Ma Xiangmei, a woman farmer of Bao'an ethnic group from the northwest, said one of her best wishes was to see improvement in transportation and communication conditions at her home village so that she could arrive in Beijing for the coming sessions of the National People's Congress (NPC) within the matter of a day.

West faces challenges, opportunities 2000-03-06
Economic restructuring is the core of the country's ongoing remake-the-west campaign.

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