
Artist uses snow to depict urban plight

By Lin Qi ( China Daily ) Updated: 2016-09-27 07:51:28

Artist uses snow to depict urban plight

Zhang Meng's solo show displays his video works and ink paintings in Beijing. Photos provided to China Daily

Some sadness seems to lie beneath the simplicity of Zhang Meng's video works and ink paintings.

In many of his 3-D videos, the Tianjin-based artist has created vast scenes of mountains and surrounding areas covered in heavy snow.

Born and raised in Tangshan, Hebei province, the 44-year-old says that although snow signifies a sense of belonging to him, he aims to show an anxiety that exists in today's urban life.

In some of his ink paintings, Zhang shows a monkey hiding among trees. The signature monkey painted using light dots may not be visible to viewers at first sight.

"As a child, I had heard scary folk stories about monkeys eating people. I'm still a bit afraid of the animals," he says, jokingly.

While the monkey seems quite comfortable in his works, its eyes betray an inner fear. Through this device, the artist conveys a collective keenness to escape life's harsh realities.

Zhang shares his insights of people through his video and ink works at the ongoing solo exhibition, The Wind Blows, at Beijing's Today Art Museum.

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