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  China Economy
Five million farmer brokers active
[ 2005-05-13 09:04:23]

An official with the All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives recently indicated that according to incomplete statistics, presently there are about 5 million farmer brokers active in various parts of the country. They are engaged in a series of intermediary service activities such as the circulation of agricultural products, science and technology and information, playing an important role in helping farmers solve the problem of "product-selling difficulties" and helping farmers increasing incomes.

Governments in a dozen or so provinces and autonomous regions, including Ningxia, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia and Hunan nationwide have handed the work of organization of, guidance to and management over farmer brokers to the country's supply and marketing cooperatives, founded farmer brokers' associations and hung up their signboards in front of the supply and marketing cooperatives. At present, the All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives is making preparations for the establishment of a national farmer brokers' association.

The official said practice has proved that farmer brokers are a new force that livens up the rural market, brings about more agricultural efficiency and more incomes to farmers and enhances agricultural competitiveness, and it has played an active role in developing agriculture, raising farmers' living standards and promoting social and economic development in rural areas. Making full use of the main business advantage, networking advantage and talent advantage, supply and marketing cooperatives in various parts of the country are actively bringing up a contingent of farmer brokers and developing the farmer brokers' organization; they have provided support and services in aspects such as information, marketing channels, sites for operation, technology and funds for the development of rural brokers.

(People's Daily Online)

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