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Fortune is a must when talking
[ 2005-05-18 09:50:36]

Beijing Wal-Mart opens a business during the Fortune Global Forum conference

John B. Menzer, global vice-president of Wal-Mart:

Wal-Mart has opened 45 markets in 21 cities across China. We feel satisfied with the current development of Wal-Mart in China. When entering China, Wal-Mart had little understanding of China's consumption habit and consumption culture. For example, at the beginning of our business, our bread sections produced US-style bread, which was too sweet and the Chinese consumers did not like eating. Now our bread and cakes are completely localized. Our bakers are local staff workers too. We are proud of all these changes.

Zhang Ruimin is ranked top of the leaders of Chinese business circles by Fortune

Huang Xiang, editor-in-chief of Fortune China:

If one entrepreneur cannot exert an impact on Chinese market in the future he will have no way to become a leader to lead the global business circles; the same is true that if your enterprise cannot enter into the world it is very difficult for you to become an influential leader of Chinese enterprises.

The attention of the Fortune Global Forum has been changed this year

An observer unwilling to reveal his name:

When the Fortune Forum was held in Shanghai, what everybody thought highly of was still the potentiality of China. With the potentials being turned into reality, the focus of the Beijing forum is on how to sustain and expand the "reality".

The sports roundtable conference of the Fortune Global Forum was held for the first time

Mark Fisher, Chinese executive president of NBA:

China is a rising sports power in the world, which has been proved that the roundtable sports conference attracted numerous sports heavyweight people from sports and economical circles. With Yao Ming's good performances in NBA and the increasingly welcome basketball sports in China, we will pay more attention to all that happens here and introduce more NBA matches to China.

(People's Daily Online)

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