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2013-07-01 09:39:52 来源:中国日报网
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(来源:中国日报网 蔡东海 编辑:)

Millions of Egyptians flooded into the streets on the first anniversary of Islamist President Mohamed Mursi's inauguration on Sunday to demand that he resign in the biggest challenge so far to rule by his Muslim Brotherhood.

Waving national flags and chanting "Get out!", a crowd of nearly 500,000 massed in and around Cairo's central Tahrir Square in by far the largest demonstration since the 2011 uprising that overthrew Mursi's predecessor, Hosni Mubarak.

"The people want the fall of the regime!" they shouted, echoing the Arab Spring rallying cry that brought down Mubarak

Huge protest rallies continued late into the night in a mostly festive atmosphere.

While the main protests were peaceful, five people were shot dead in clashes in the Nile valley towns of Assiut and Beni Suef and the oasis town of Fayoum. The Health Ministry said more than 200 were injured in clashes in several provincial towns. ."

A military source said as many as 14 million people in this nation of 84 million took part in Sunday's demonstrations in sweltering heat. There was no independent way to verify that estimate, which seemed implausibly high, but the armed forces used helicopters to monitor the crowds.

Militants hurling petrol bombs and rocks and firing shotguns attacked the Brotherhood's national headquarters in a Cairo suburb, sending flames billowing from the main entrance. There was no sign of police protection or fire fighters.

At least 1 person reported killed in Cairo as protesters attack Muslim Brotherhood headquarters

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编辑:刘世东 标签: 埃及 示威 兄弟会