China's Beidou navigation system is set to increase its presence in the Asia-Pacific region, with Pakistan expected to become its fourth overseas customer later this month. Huang Lei, international business director of Beijing BDStar Navigation, which helps promote Beidou, or Compass, in the international market, told China Daily the company will build a network of stations in Pakistan to enhance the location accuracy of Beidou. These continuously operational reference stations will be built after the two countries sign a cooperation agreement, which will see Pakistan follow in the footsteps of Thailand, Laos and Brunei in becoming a Beidou customer. Huang said building the network will cost tens of millions of dollars. The system has been delivering services for the Asia-Pacific region since December, with the aim of providing a global service by 2020. The Beidou network has 16 navigation satellites over the region, with 30 more due to join the system by 2020. Huang said foreign aid programs and cooperation agreements are the main ways to promote Beidou in the international market. China National Radio reported in April that under a 2 billion yuan ($317 million) agreement with Thailand, the system's first foreign user, China will build a national remote sensing system based on Beidou for Thailand. It will also build a large satellite ground station with an industrial park for the development and production of Beidou receivers for the wider Southeast Asian market. Similar deals were signed with Laos and Brunei in late April. Laos will adopt Beidou in developing the country's agriculture, and to crack down on opium cultivation, while Brunei will use Beidou in building a modern capital, according to China's Ministry of Science and Technology. The ministry did not give further details about cooperation with these two countries. While industrial experts estimate Beidou can trigger a potential market worth 225 billion yuan across China by 2015, Huang believes a huge potential market exists outside the country. He said Pakistan, Thailand and India are major potential Beidou users in the fisheries sector, because the system can help fishermen send emergency messages to rescue centers, and also inform their families about the latest conditions aboard vessels through a text message service. Liu Guozhi, vice-chairman of the China Satellite Navigation Commission, told the fourth China Satellite Navigation Conference, which ended on Friday in Wuhan, Hubei province, that Beidou is made in China but will be used worldwide. The three-day conference, held annually since 2010, attracted more than 2,000 people from China and overseas. They discussed the latest progress in satellite navigation technology, with the theme of the conference being opportunities and challenges in Beidou's application. Ran Chengqi, spokesman for the China Satellite Navigation Office, said Beidou will work with other satellite navigation systems, and international users are welcome to try the system. Stuart Riley, engineering manager of US-based Trimble Navigation, said this is a good chance to get to know Beidou. “We have been working on a product to support Beidou, which will be announced soon,” he said. |
记者在日前于武汉召开的第四届中国卫星导航学术年会上获悉,巴基斯坦将成为继泰国、老挝和文莱之后第四个采用北斗卫星导航系统的外国用户,这意味着北斗系统在亚太地区的推广正在稳步进行。 北京北斗星通导航技术股份有限公司国际业务总监黄磊介绍该公司将为巴基斯坦建设兼容北斗的连续运行参考站系统,实现厘米级定位。该项目将在5月底前作为国家间的战略合作协议签署。届时巴基斯坦将成为采用北斗系统的第四个外国用户。 黄磊说:“该系统前期的投入是比较大的,要达到上亿元,第一期的示范系统应该千万级就可以完成,之后可以以商业合作推广的模式发展。” 目前,北斗卫星系统已覆盖整个东南亚,目标到2020年覆盖全球。随着我国北斗导航系统去年12月底正式提供区域服务,北斗系统的国际推广也拉开了帷幕。 黄磊说,目前北斗国际推广处于用户体验期,主要通过政府间的合作与援助的形式来推广北斗的应用,最终达到以商业合作的方式来使用北斗系统。 他认为企业之所以积极参与国际推广,主要是借助政府间合作的平台让外国用户了解公司的产品和价值,为未来的发展做好铺垫。 据中国之声《央广新闻》报道,4月初北斗系统将帮助泰国预测气象、防灾减灾,建设泰国地球空间灾害预测系统。总投资预计在20亿元人民币左右,包括了卫星接收站还有相应配套系统和一座产业园。计划2014年建成之后,将会主要服务于泰国农业的灾害预警,此外还辐射泰国交通、电力、环境等很多方面领域。 4月底中国科学技术部网站消息称老挝和文莱将通过研究与合作协定初步采用北斗导航系统。 消息介绍中老双方将利用基于北斗的广域差分技术在老挝农业、林业管理方面开展应用,助力老挝提高农林现代化管理水平。同时,中老双方还将利用北斗提供的高精度服务能力,开展老挝血吸虫病的时空监测和早期预警示范研究,提升老挝公共卫生管理能力。 另外中国与文莱将围绕文莱现代化首都建设目标,在卫星导航芯片技术、终端产品、增值服务开发以及系统集成应用等领域开展紧密广泛合作,为文莱提供符合当地需求的导航与位置服务产品,在文莱培育当地的增值服务商,保障基于北斗的导航与位置服务在文莱长期可持续发展,为当地带来更好的导航服务和更多的就业机会。 专家预测北斗卫星导航系统2015年将为中国卫星导航产业创造2000多亿元的产值,而对于卫星导航企业而言国外巨大的潜在市场也不可忽略。 黄磊介绍,目前巴基斯坦、印尼和泰国都是北斗星通重点开发的外国用户,公司将根据潜在用户对产品的不同需求提供个性化的服务。 他说例如在之前提到的连续运行参考站系统,将在渔业上得以应用:渔民可以通过该系统在遇到紧急情况时向l陆地控制站发出求救信号,也可以应用北斗特有的短消息功能向家人报平安。 中国卫星导航系统管理办公室发言人冉承其说,中国已经把16颗导航卫星和4颗实验卫星送入太空,未来10年,将再多发射40颗卫星加入该系统。它们组建的导航系统就可以覆盖全球。 他说北斗是中国的,也是世界的,我们积极促进GNSS共同发展,推动形成资源共享、优势互补的世界卫星导航发展格局。 面对蓬勃发展的卫星导航产业,孙家栋院士指出卫星导航正在打破行业的界限,与传统很也结合,成为推动传统行业焕发生机的重要诱因和利器,一个新的时空服务体系正在构建,结合信息服务的巨大产业正在形成。 相关阅读 (中国日报记者王茜编译,原文刊登于5月18日版《中国日报》) |