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Tourism Cooperation between Hubei and Japan

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2012-02-22

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The Director for Tourism and Culture Authority of Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan met with his Chinese counterpart Hu Liming on Feb 14 in Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei province. They pledged to strengthen tourism cooperation between Wuhan and Shizuoka.

A scheduled flight from Wuhan to Shizuoka with a stopover in Shanghai will open on March 25. The flight will bring more convenience to tourists traveling between Wuhan and Shizuoka.

According to Hu Liming, deputy Chief of the Hubei Tourism Bureau, tourism between these two places has increased in recent years. This is a reflection of the promotion of popular Chinese films and television shows such as the Message and a Story of Lala’s Promotion in Japan. Hu expressed hopes that more scenic and cultural travel products would come out to boost tourism between the two places.

Located at foot of Mount Fuji, Shizuoka Prefecture is a one hour drive away from Tokyo by high-speed rails. It has a prosperous economy with a per capita income ranking third in Japan. Shizuoka is home to many famous brands that are familiar to Hubei residents such as Suzuki Motor and Yamaha piano.

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