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Internet as a compromise

Updated: 2012-07-28 07:50
( China Daily)

Comment on "Empty nests a social issue" (China Daily, July 23)

The tradition of children taking care of elderly parents made sense among rural populations in the old days, especially for people who didn't have easy access to medical care or affordable living. Children shouldering moral and social responsibilities, too, made good sense then.

In more urban societies, many systems are in place to provide services for senior citizens and set elderly parents' children free to pursue their dreams with more independence from parental responsibilities. This is an ongoing part of modernization in China.

But in the real world, there is an interesting compromise: Internet. My parents in the United States are glad that I am living in China, because with the Internet they see and talk to me more often than they did when I lived in the US.

I encourage Chinese youths to buy a proper computer system for their parents, including a microphone and camera, and train their parents to use it. It can really make a difference both in the children's and parents' lives.

Don Rechtman, on China Daily website

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(China Daily 07/28/2012 page6)
