Opinion / From the Press

Delays threaten free highway tolls during holidays

(bbs.chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2012-09-13 21:38

Translated by Wang Yiqing

Local governments along with road and bridge companies have hindered the implementation of the free highway toll policy on major holidays, says an article in China Youth Daily.

Here are some excerpts:

Although the State Council has approved the waiving of highway tolls for passenger vehicles with seven or less seats on four important national holidays, a majority of local authorities are still playing wait and see on this issue as the first “toll free” National Day is approaching.

At the same time, some road and bridge companies have made every possible excuse to avoid carrying out this policy. They both use the other party as an excuse to prevaricate and postpone its implementation.

It’s not surprising that vested interests, including local governments and infrastructure construction companies, are trying to avoid free highway tolls. They are always highly responsive to the profits that come from charging tolls but reluctant to make the highways free for the public.

The central authority has already fully considered local interests. For example, it allows local authorities to decide whether to charge for the airport highway toll, which is a compromise. How to curb the greed of local authorities is a problem that should be solved.

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