Opinion / From the Press

Expose of poor students a shame

(China Daily) Updated: 2012-09-19 08:09

A poverty alleviation office in Anhui province released some information on students from poor families, which includes their parents' names, bank account numbers and even mobile phone numbers, sparking a heated online debate and drawing criticism, says an article on gmw.cn. Excerpts:

Certain information on students who receive national grants has to be made public for social supervision and to avoid fraud. But the local poverty alleviation office in Anhui has impeded on the students' privacy by making more information on them than needed public, which could be a source of embarrassment for them.

Such a move could also compromise the students' dignity. Poverty is not a crime but it is also nothing to be proud of especially in an age in which wealth is seen as the biggest symbol of success. Therefore, people from poor families will feel exposed if their personal details are released to the public. The move by the Anhui local poverty alleviation office could make the poor students a target of pity and even contempt.

The move smacks of almsgivers' superiority. Deep in the heart of some donors and charity organizations is a sense of condescending superiority that runs counter to the principle of philanthropy, which should be aimed at promoting equality.

As an official organization for poverty alleviation, the Anhui local department and its employees are supposed to set an example in philanthropy, not to trample on poor students' privacy.




(China Daily 09/19/2012 page9)

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