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Dads shouldn't shirk responsibilities

Updated: 2013-11-22 07:20
( China Daily)

Dads shouldn't shirk responsibilities

The parent-child variety show, Dad, Where are We Going, that shows celebrity fathers feel completely at a loss with their kids or having heart-touching moments with them has become a huge hit. The importance of fathers shouldering their parenting responsibilities has also become a hot topic thanks to the program, says an article in Beijing Youth Daily. Excerpts:

Many parents and educators have over the last 10 years come to realize the importance of a father's role in children's development, but as the awkward situations that happen in the program reveal, not only celebrity fathers, but also many ordinary dads lack enough experience when they educate their children. Generally speaking, it is still mothers who are responsible for children's education.

Since father helps children develop the determination and courage to face challenges, failure to realize the influence in children's development will cause an "emotional blank space" for children, leading to boys growing up more feminine or girls having a "father complex"in the future.

Any good concept of paternal parenting, without implementation, will not take effects. From worldwide experiences, Sweden for example, other countries not only make paternal parenting a cause, but also elevate it to a legal height to guarantee fathers shoulder their child-raising responsibilities.

Ensuring it in law is more than merely "advocating" fathers to play their due role in raising their children and would not only raise paternal childrearing to the level of national strategy, but also exert paternal influence in a more effective way.
