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Eradicate religious fanatics

Updated: 2013-12-18 08:17
( China Daily)

Among the three evil forces, religious extremism uses paranoia and extremely one-sided viewpoints to interpret religion and faith. Its distinguishing feature is to incite religious fanaticism. To achieve their political goals, the three evil forces are appealing to the world to help protect their "human rights" while violating the human rights of people at large. In the name of religion, they are sowing the seeds of hatred among members of different ethnic groups and religious following.

Most of the acts to undermine social stability in Xinjiang are carried out by Islamic fundamentalists and extremists. In the name of religion, "East Turkistan" separatists are desperate to split the motherland, which is a serious political issue that demands proper and timely response from the government.

Islamic fundamentalism is the core theory of "East Turkistan" terrorists in Xinjiang. The aim of Islamic fundamentalists is to confuse the people, drive a wedge between different ethnic and religious groups and split the motherland. This has made China's fight against the evil forces a long, arduous, complex and fierce struggle.

The indiscriminate killing of law enforcement officers and innocent people regardless of gender and ethnicity by the terrorists exposed their true, inhuman face. Therefore, there is no doubt that the three evil forces are the greatest enemy of the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang.

(China Daily 12/18/2013 page9)

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