Opinion / Chen Weihua

Chen Weihua

Chen Weihua is the Chief Washington Correspondent of China Daily and Deputy Editor of China Daily USA. He has a particular focus on US politics and US-China relations.

They've no idea what's going on

[2013-02-22 07:15]

Years ago when I learned that 10 percent of youths in US got their news from The Daily Show With Jon Stewart, I immediately laughed it away. However, since then, I have spent countless late evenings watching that talk show and others to relax at the end of a busy day.

US immigration reform a challenge for China

[2013-02-08 07:40]

The proposed immigration reform, which has sparked a heated debate across US, has thrilled Chinese students now studying in American colleges and universities.

Obama should defend pro-choice

[2013-02-01 07:34]

Obama must fight back by leading a pro-choice march to protect the rights of American women and to enlighten the throng of teenage students in last Friday's march.

Wallowing in misperceptions of China

[2013-01-25 07:25]

The US-China Business Council issued a report on Wednesday listing the opportunities and challenges in bilateral trade with China.

Zero Dark Thirty dims inauguration

[2013-01-18 08:04]

Bigelow believes that torture was used in the early years of the Bin Laden hunt and should not be ignored as part of the story.

US defense industry battles cuts

[2013-01-11 08:09]

China should never be blinded and duped by US defense lobbyists into participating in a wasteful arms race with the US.

Break from New York to Washington

[2013-01-05 08:20]

I have been fascinated by New York City, where I stayed and worked for the last three years. But I was equally excited with the opportunity to shift to Washington DC on a new assignment.

No tidings of joy from US politicians

[2012-12-28 07:28]

After spending five days relaxing with his family, such a greeting should have served as a reminder of the harsh reality the nation faces.

Farewell to arms no easy task

[2012-12-21 07:05]

I am not trying to sound cynical, but Obama and Americans simply need to take drastic action to "unarm" US civilians before another mass shooting occurs.

Filling Clinton's shoes is proving difficult

[2012-12-07 08:10]

Speculation is rife as to who will succeed Hillary Clinton as US secretary of state after she steps down in January.

Remake of Red Dawn breeds hatred

[2012-11-30 02:54]

The remake of the 1984 movie Red Dawn, which hit cinemas across the United States last week, is a huge disappointment in every way.

Battle continues for 8-hour workday

[2012-11-23 08:16]

It marks the place where the fight for eight-hour workday turned into a bloody riot on May 4, 1886.

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