Opinion / Chen Weihua

Chen Weihua

Chen Weihua is the Chief Washington Correspondent of China Daily and Deputy Editor of China Daily USA. He has a particular focus on US politics and US-China relations.

US government being hypocritical in accusing others of war on media

[2016-12-16 07:45]

It would be good if Sewall had also reflected on the US government's war on the media before pointing fingers at other governments.

Trump's pick for US ambassador to China a hopeful sign

[2016-12-09 07:23]

There is no doubt that Trump's decision, though described by some as a political payback, is a goodwill gesture to China and reflects his willingness to maintain good US-China relations.

Will Trump walk the talk on his vow to drain the swamp?

[2016-12-03 07:15]

On the campaign trail President-elect Donald Trump swore that he would drain the swamp in Washington if elected. Reflecting the American public's great distaste for Washington, his words were hailed by fervently cheering crowds.

Hopefully death knell for TPP signals US is about to change tack

[2016-11-25 08:06]

US President-elect Donald Trump, his opponent in the election Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and many Chinese have at least one thing in common. None of them is fond of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement; although for very different reasons.

No use crying over spilt milk

[2016-11-18 07:41]

The election result might have been different if Clinton had embraced some of Bernie Sanders' campaign platform after she won the Democratic primary.

Positive side of Trump in building China-US ties

[2016-11-11 07:51]

How will Donald Trump's presidency-after he assumes office on Jan 20, 2017-affect China-US relations? This question is uppermost on many people's minds a day after Republican Trump defeated former secretary of state Hillary Clinton in the US presidential election.

Objectivity falls prey to need for soundbite in US election

[2016-11-04 09:00]

The 2016 US presidential election will produce a winner and a loser on Nov 8. Tome, the losers will also include the US news media, which has lost its journalism objectivity in covering the race.

Anti-trade rhetoric in US a deep concern

[2016-10-29 08:59]

It is surprising to see the strong protectionism sentiment propagated by the two presidential candidates in the United States, a country that has long touted itself as the champion of free trade.

Abysmal global literacy of US college students

[2016-10-21 07:39]

The poor global literacy of college-aged students in the United States revealed in a recent survey provides a clue to why US politicians can publicly and falsely accuse China time and again.

US no better than China on women's rights

[2016-10-14 08:50]

US Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her supporters these days like to quote her words at the Fourth UN World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995 when she said "women's rights are human rights".

Building healthy rhetoric in China-US ties

[2016-09-30 07:27]

Before the first US presidential debate on Monday, quite a few American experts on China were upset that the two candidates, Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump, had not talked much about the United States' broad policy toward China.

Snowden deserves not only pardon, but also the Nobel Peace Prize

[2016-09-23 08:49]

Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Barack Obama met at the Sunny-lands resort in California in June 2013, the US administration had spared little effort in portraying China as a villain in cyberspace.

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