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Focus on life of the disabled

2013-06-20 21:00

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Focus on life of the disabled

Poverty and disability are two major obstacles for Huang Liyuan. Her whole family depends on her father's income as a migrant worker. Feeding her parents is her biggest wish since childhood.

Huang attended vocational school and learned computing skills. However her disability still made her unemployed.

She found another way out by opening a taobao online shop and also working for the community.

[Photo by Chen Shicheng]


Focus on life of the disabled

Born in 1970 in Beijing, Ji Lilin is mentally challenged. Without any education or training, Ji did some labor work to help release family economic burdens.

With trainings from Beijing Fengtai Lizhi Rehabilitation Center, Ji now can better connect with the society. Now he is a cleaner at the center.

[Photo by Jiang Quan]

