Global service centers moving to Chengdu

2011-09-19 08:07:32

With shared service centers increasingly used by multinational companies to serve a range of their departments, a seminar organized by the Chengdu Tianfu Software Park from Sept 15 to 16 promoted the benefits offered by the southwestern city.

Top choice for companies wanting to get into West China

2011-09-27 07:54:32

An industrial development zone in Chengdu, Sichuan province and precision machinery has been attracting more investment from China and abroad thanks to its pillar industries - electronic information, biomedicine, and precision machinery - and the support of the central and local governments.

Foshan attracting investors with many advantages

2011-09-29 06:52:48

These include its geographic advantage and infrastructure, mature industrial chains, the ready market, and local government's service.