Sports/Olympics / 2008 Beijing Olympics

Olympic model schools named
Updated: 2006-06-05 10:03

Beijing Olympic Games organizers have fulfilled their plan to construct and name 200 Olympic education model schools in Beijing as they named the second batch of 180 on Friday.

2008 model school
The representatives of the Olympic education model schools were awarded the nameplates at the ceremony June 2,2006.[BOCOG]

Zhu Shanlu, member of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal CPC Committee and secretary of Beijing Municipal Education Commission, chaired the naming ceremony at Beijing Yuying School.

Deputy Minister of Education Li Weihong announced the list of the 180 schools, while Vice Mayor Zhao Fengtong and Chairman of IOC Commission for Culture and Olympic Education He Zhenliang awarded the nameplates. BOCOG Executive Vice-president Jiang Xiaoyu delivered a speech to the audience.

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) requests that the Olympic host city and the country where the host city is located should propagate the Olympic knowledge and carry forward the Olympic spirit. This provides a good opportunity to foster comprehensive qualities of youngsters in China.

Therefore, BOCOG (Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad) and the Ministry of Education worked out the "Beijing 2008" Elementary and Secondary School Olympic Education Program, launching Olympic education among 400 million young people in China.

The effort to construct and name over 500 Olympic education model schools nationwide, with 200 of them in Beijing, aims at pushing forward the efficient implementation of the Olympic education. This is an important cultural legacy of the 2008 Olympic Games and a historic breakthrough to spread the Olympic spirit.

BOCOG's Olympic education program was fully recognized by IOC and the international community as well. The delegates to the 118th IOC session in Turin on February 9, 2006 highly appreciated China's Olympic education work. According to IOC President Jacques Rogge, China's undertaking to popularize the Olympic knowledge among 400 million youngsters embodies the true essence of the Olympic spirit.
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