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  • Fate of Kyoto Protocol in spotlight at talks

    2011-11-30 08:14

    The global climate change talks in Durban got off to a rocky start, with developed and developing countries holding diverging positions, indicating tough negotiations ahead.

  • S Africa urges global solution of climate change

    2011-11-30 16:15

    A South African delegate to the Durban climate conference Tuesday urged the global community to come up with a joint solution to deal with climate change.

  • EU: Green Climate Fund board must start working

    2011-12-01 08:28

    The European Union (EU) chief climate negotiator Wednesday said the Green Climate Fund board must start working "as early as 2012."

  • Technology mechanism discussion

    2011-12-01 08:35

    Discussions on the Technology Mechanism can hopefully be completed in Durban so that it can begin benefitting people as of next year.

  • Farmers: COP17 must take agriculture sector seriously

    2011-12-01 08:39

    SACAU and IFAD Wednesday said the agriculture sector must be considered seriously at this year's COP17.

  • China may adopt emission limit

    2011-12-02 08:09

    China is likely to agree to a quantified target to limit its greenhouse gas emissions after 2020, said a senior expert with a government think tank.

  • Expectations low for Durban

    2011-12-02 16:17

    The United Nations has warned that those looking for a groundbreaking agreement on emission reductions will again be greatly disappointed.

  • US urged to change stance

    2011-12-02 16:21

    The heads of 16 major non-governmental organizations on Thursday urged the United States to alter its stance on climate change.

  • Green Climate Fund under scrutiny

    2011-12-02 16:38

    The controversial $100 billion a year Green Climate Fund came under renewed scrutiny at the United Nations climate talks in Durban.

  • India denies backroom negotiations with US

    2011-12-04 09:10

    India dismissed speculation that it has been in backroom negotiations with US to push back any action on a legally binding treaty on climate change.

  • Kenya presses for a new treaty

    2011-12-04 09:13

    The establishment of a legally binding treaty to curb carbon emissions is a key priority among developing countries attending the ongoing climate talks in Durban, South Africa.

  • Stand up for Climate Justice

    2011-12-04 11:34

    Supporters of the Campaign Against Climate Change marched through London calling for Climate Justice as the Durban climate talks take place.
