World / Asia-Pacific

Indian PM Modi to visit China in May

By Liu Shanshan (Agencies/Xinhua) Updated: 2015-02-02 16:13

Indian PM Modi to visit China in May

President Xi Jinping and his wife, Peng Liyuan, wave after they were received by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi upon arrival at a hotel in Ahmedabad, India, Sept 17, 2014. [Photo/Agencies]

BEIJING - Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit China in May, India's foreign minister Sushma Swaraj said Sunday during her own three-day visit to Beijing, according to AFP.

Swaraj said India attaches great importance to bilateral ties and Modi is willing to pay a visit to China at an early date within this year and her visit is "a preparatory visit" for the upcoming leaders' summit between the two countries.

AFP also quoted the Press Trust of India (PTI) news agency as saying that President Xi Jinping was expected to take Modi to his home province of Shaanxi to repay the hospitality he received in the Indian Prime Minister's home state last September.

Xi and Modi have met with each other three times since last year, Swaraj said, adding that it shows a high-level development of bilateral ties.

She hopes that her current visit to China will show positive signals of India-China friendly and cooperative relationship.

Swaraj is paying an official visit to China from Saturday to Tuesday as a guest of Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, her first official visit to China since she took office last year.

As the second largest economy, China is the largest neighbouring country of India, Swaraj said, noting that India and China have broad common interests and both countries can benefit from each other's development.

India would like to make joint efforts with China to strengthen understanding and mutual trust, properly handle the differences, advance comprehensive cooperation and sound coordination in international and regional affairs, Swaraj said.

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