Where goddesses loved and fought
According to Greek mythology, the three beautiful goddesses vied for a prize apple upon which was the inscription "To the fairest". And it was up to Paris, a Trojan prince, to deliver the final judgment. Determined to win, each goddess secretly bribed the young man with something. While Hera promised power, Athena offered wisdom and military triumph.
However, it was the gift from Aphrodite - Helen of Sparta, wife of the Greek king Menelaus and the world's most beautiful woman - that Paris found irresistible. By accepting that gift and awarding the apple to Aphrodite, Paris received Helen as well as the enmity of the Greeks and Hera.
The Greeks sent an expedition to retrieve Helen. The war lasted 10 years, with various goddesses taking their sides. The result was countless deaths, and the defeat of Troy by the Greeks.