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Peking for APEC

Beijing is hosting the 2014 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation conference from Nov 5 to 12, with the most important meeting scheduled for Nov 10-11 near Yanqi Lake in Huairou district.

Scenery of APEC venue Yanqi Lake

A bird eye view of the international exhibition center of the Yanqi Lake, one of the two venues for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meetings in Beijing, China.

Night scene of Beijing in APEC Week

An APEC logo is shown on the Bird's Nest stadium in Beijing, China, Nov 6, 2014. The 2014 APEC Economic Leaders' Week is held in Beijing from Nov 5 to 11.

Flower decorations for APEC seen around Beijing

The 2014 APEC Economic Leaders' Week will last from Nov 5 to 11.

APEC meetings set media record

Beijing will welcome a record number of reporters for the upcoming Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meetings starting this week.

Blue skies ready to greet APEC

With better air quality and a shorter rush hour, everything seems good so far in Beijing as the capital prepares to host the APEC meeting.

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