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Fashion for APEC participants

Every APEC meeting has been marked by a 'family photo' in which leaders and their spouses appear in regional attire. This year's modern take on traditional Chinese style has captivated global attention.

Chinese-style outfits designed for participants of APEC

Photos show traditional Chinese-style outfits designed for participants attending the 22nd Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting which takes place in Beijing, capital of China, from Nov 10 to 11.

In pictures: APEC student volunteers

In pictures: APEC student volunteers

Magnificent fireworks showed at APEC grand banquet

Photo taken on Nov 10, 2014 shows the night view of the National Gymnasium and the National Aquatics Center  and their surroundings ahead of the 22nd Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting in Beijing, capital of China.

Tourism sector in the suburbs set to benefit

In the eyes of village chief Ma Zhihui, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting, being hosted in Beijing from Nov 5 to 11, is not only an event that concerns world leaders.

Journalists covering APEC visit Z-Park

Chinese and foreign journalists covering APEC meetings visited Beijing's Zhongguancun Exhibition Center, on Nov 6.

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