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True colors for all as Continua paints a picture of optimism

There's no shortage of work by international artists on view in Beijing, but they tend to be grouped in galleries by their country of origin.

A crusader for modern Chinese art

My China Dream | Karen Smith

The king of punks spreads the love

In 1977 Neil Young sang about Johnny Lydon back when the front man was a Sex Pistol. In the song My My, Hey Hey Young laments, "The king is gone, but he's not forgotten. Is this the story of Johnny Rotten?"

Laowai Not: Breathing bike

Matt Hope is an artist from the UK. Living in Beijing for five years, he has observed the extreme environmental conditions.

Nobuyuki "Nobu" Matsuhisa with Pauline D.Loh

Nobu Matsuhisa tells Pauline D Loh how he keeps his zeal, and how he passes it on.

Animated ambitions

Prompted by his work for the Beijing Olympics, US animator Brian Dowrick sets up a school in Beijing. Lin Jing follows the storyboard.

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