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Pollution gives expats a chance to air their concerns

Usually, when people decide to live in a foreign country, two contrasting factors are uppermost in their minds - work opportunities and distance from family and friends.

Following in the footsteps of a legend

Morocco's Jaafar Alj Hakim can talk the talk of any veteran ambassador: diplomacy, trade, cultural exchanges. But right now he'd rather talk about the beach.

Designs on China

Liliane Fawcett says her gallery Themes & Variations has never attracted as much media coverage as in the past month, when it hosted its first exhibition of Chinese contemporary design.

The Chinese - poem

The Chinese, the great Nationality in the World, 56 ethnic groups live under single umbrella, obey Chairman Mao's Word.

Laowai Not: Stock photography in China

Shannon Fagan came to China in 2010. The 37-year-old American was a commercial photographer back in the US, but because of the economic downturn he decided to move his business to China.

Tanzanian Swahili broadcaster has China in her eyes

Pili Mwinyi Khamis works for China Radio International (CRI) and she is involved in the production of several programs, including the weekly China in My Eyes. Khamis, 38, was also among 20 foreign experts invited by China’s new leader Xi Jinping for a round table discussion on Dec 5.

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