Business / Economy

China's reform leading group holds first meeting

(Xinhua) Updated: 2014-01-23 09:56

BEIJING - China's leading group for overall reform on Wednesday convened its first meeting, which approved the working rules of the group as well as the working rules and members of six sub-groups.

Xi Jinping, Chinese president and leader of the group, presided over the meeting, which was also attended by deputy group leaders Li Keqiang, Liu Yunshan and Zhang Gaoli, all members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee.

The leading group for overall reform was established upon a decision passed at a key meeting, the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in November last year, a measure to promote the country's comprehensive deepening of reforms.

Attendees of the meeting on Wednesday deliberated on and passed the working rules of the leading group, the general office, and sub-groups for reforms in six areas, including the economy and ecological civilization, democracy and law, cultural system, social system, system of Party building, and discipline inspection system.

Xi said at the meeting that the responsibility of the leading group is to implement all reform measures put forward at the Plenary Session. He urged attendees to understand the spirit of the session, which serves as the basis of decision making.

A series of reforms have already been put in place after the Plenary Session, including the axing of the reeducation through labor system, an easing of the one-child policy, and reform of the industrial and commercial registration system.

However, Xi said, some problems exist in implementing the spirit of the Plenary Session, calling for adequate understanding of the difficulty, complexity and urgency of reforms, as deeper and deeper interest group will be affected as reforms go further.

He urged the leading group to study different situations, firmly grasp the reform in the right way, and take a firm stand on fundamental issues. He also called for participation by the people.

The Chinese president urged sub-groups and the general office to closely coordinate with other departments, make projects for reforms, monitor and guide the implementation of reforms, and study major issues.

Other members of the leading group, and officials responsible for departments of the central authority also attended the meeting.

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