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Shizuishan, a coal city to transform

Updated: 2013-03-14 16:55
By Song Jingli (

The first is about industrial transformation. We need to transform from relying on the low- value-added coal industry to promoting new industries.

To achieve this goal, we need to restructure. We will enlarge and enliven the service industry, refine the agricultural industry and strengthen the secondary industry.

We have only 1.2 million mu (80,000 hectares) of land for planting. We need to get specialty and high-value-added agricultural products from this land. We need to manage planting in an industrial way. We use greenhouses to grow and later process further for high-value-added products. We want to pay justice to the very limited land resources and bring wealth to our people.

To enliven the service industry, we need to make full use of our tourism resources such as Shahu Scenic Area and Wudang Temple. We also need to use these resources to boost the cultural industry. These famous tourist attractions may serve as a "business greeting card", bringing people there to enjoy their time and to consume. At the root of Helan Moutain, there is the Xinghaihu Scenic Area, which is "a pearl" that nature has given to Shizuishan city, an old industrial base. We also need to develop Xinghaihu.

For the secondary industry, Shizuishai city needs to strengthen the original base by using new technologies. This will increase the competitiveness and sustainability of the original industry and lower carbon dioxide.

We also need to develop the rare metals industry. We need to make efforts to get more new materials through research and development and transform technologies into economic strength.

In addition, we need to develop the PV industry. Although the PV industry has met some difficulties now, we are confident that we can develop it well. Shizuishan city has very good conditions to develop the PV industry, which already has some foundations. The national government has some policies for the PV industry, such as building 1 million kilowatt PV projects and allocating 15 billion yuan of funds. We need to take initiative this time to upgrade our technologies and gain a foothold during this round of reshuffle. If we could stand firm on our feet, we will succeed this time.

We will also develop the mechanical industry, mostly machines for coal mining and processing. We have also brought the auto industry to Shizuishan.

The calcium carbide industry is an industry in which Shizuishai city has competiveness. We need to stretch this industrial chain by improving the processing system and developing more refined chemical products.

Top 500 companies in China, which are vital to the development of Shizuishan city, are highly welcomed. We have four industrial zones, including rare metals, refined chemicals and logistics. They will serve as platforms for large companies to develop and cooperate in Shizuishan. In these zones, the recycling economy is easily realized.
