Business / Video

Liu Zhengdong: Baise to build eco-friendly aluminum industrial base

[2011-03-14 09:04]

Mr. Liu Zhengdong is a deputy to the National People's Congress (NPC) and also the Party secretary of Baise city of Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region. Mr Liu talks about building and eco-friendly aluminum industrial base in Baise and ways to improve people's Happiness Index.

Chen Guangbiao: Low carbon works are the biggest philanthropy (I)

[2011-03-12 16:03]

Mr Chen Guangbiao, chairman of Jiangsu Huangpu Recycling Resources Co Ltd, is called the Top Philanthropist in China. He was also cited as the national Earthquake Relief Hero, National Moral Model and so on. Recently he changed his name to Chen Ditan (meaning low carbon in Chinese) to advocate low carbon efforts.

Chen Guangbiao: Low carbon works are the biggest philanthropy (I)

Chen Guangbiao: I'm worthy of the title 'Low Carbon Ambassador' (II)

Chen Guangbiao: Mayors should focus on welfare, low-carbon economy (III)

Chen Guangbiao: Low carbon works are the biggest philanthropy

[2011-03-12 16:03]

Mr Chen Guangbiao, chairman of Jiangsu Huangpu Recycling Resources Co Ltd, is called the Top Philanthropist in China. He was also cited as the national Earthquake Relief Hero, National Moral Model and so on. Recently he changed his name to Chen Ditan (meaning low carbon in Chinese) to advocate low carbon efforts.

Low carbon works are the biggest philanthropy (I)

I'm worthy of the title 'Low Carbon Ambassador' (II)

Mayors should focus on welfare, low-carbon economy (III)

Liu Tongbo: London is interested in introducing Chinese technologies (II)

[2011-03-12 15:24]

Mr Liu Tongbo is the chief representative of London Development Agency's Beijing Office. He believes many Chinese cities and London can share lots of experience in building low carbon cities.

Liu Tongbo: Chinese cities and London can share lots of experience (I)

Liu Tongbo: London is interested in introducing Chinese technologies (II)

[2011-03-12 15:24]

Mr Liu Tongbo is the chief representative of London Development Agency's Beijing Office. He believes many Chinese cities and London can share lots of experience in building low carbon cities.

Liu Tongbo: Chinese cities and London can share lots of experience (I)

Liu Tongbo: Chinese cities and London can share lots of experience (I)

[2011-03-10 13:15]

Mr Liu Tongbo is the chief representative of London Development Agency's Beijing Office. He believes many Chinese cities and London can share lots of experience in building low carbon cities.

Liu Tongbo: London is interested in introducing Chinese technologies (II)

Liu Tongbo: Chinese cities and London can share lots of experience (I)

[2011-03-10 13:15]

Mr Liu Tongbo is the chief representative of London Development Agency's Beijing Office. He believes many Chinese cities and London can share lots of experience in building low carbon cities.

PKU economists: Sound motivating mechanism needed (III)

[2011-03-07 19:44]

Four postdoctoral researchers from China's prestigious Peking University, who are specialized in the field of low carbon economy, share their perspectives on building low-carbon cities. They are Dr Li Jinbing, Dr Liang Shengping, Dr Tian Huimin and Dr Wu Zhenghong.

PKU economists: The idea of 'Smart New City' (I)

PKU economists: China in critical period of low carbon development (II)

PKU economists: Sound motivating mechanism needed (III)

PKU economists: Sound motivating mechanism needed (III)

[2011-03-07 19:44]

Four postdoctoral researchers from China's prestigious Peking University, who are specialized in the field of low carbon economy, share their perspectives on building low-carbon cities. They are Dr Li Jinbing, Dr Liang Shengping, Dr Tian Huimin and Dr Wu Zhenghong.

PKU economists: The idea of 'Smart New City' (I)

PKU economists: China in critical period of low carbon development (II)

PKU economists: Sound motivating mechanism needed (III)

PKU economists: China in critical period of low carbon development (II)

[2011-03-07 18:04]

Four postdoctoral researchers from China's prestigious Peking University, who are specialized in the field of low carbon economy, share their perspectives on building low-carbon cities. They are Dr Li Jinbing, Dr Liang Shengping, Dr Tian Huimin and Dr Wu Zhenghong.

PKU economists: The idea of 'Smart New City' (I)

PKU economists: China in critical period of low carbon development (II)

PKU economists: Sound motivating mechanism needed (III)

PKU economists: China in critical period of low carbon development (II)

[2011-03-07 18:04]

Four postdoctoral researchers from China's prestigious Peking University, who are specialized in the field of low carbon economy, share their perspectives on building low-carbon cities. They are Dr Li Jinbing, Dr Liang Shengping, Dr Tian Huimin and Dr Wu Zhenghong.

PKU economists: The idea of 'Smart New City' (I)

PKU economists: China in critical period of low carbon development (II)

PKU economists: Sound motivating mechanism needed (III)

Iceland targets China's geothermal energy market

[2011-03-07 09:05]

Ragnar Baldursson, minister and counsellor at the embassy of Iceland as foreign representatives, talks about Iceland's experience in building low-carbon cities as well as cooperations between China and Iceland on geothermal energy.

Ragnar Baldursson: Iceland targets China's geothermal energy market

[2011-03-07 09:05]

Ragnar Baldursson, minister and counsellor at the embassy of Iceland as foreign representatives, talks about Iceland's experience in building low-carbon cities as well as cooperations between China and Iceland on geothermal energy. More

PKU economists: The idea of 'Smart New City' (I)

[2011-03-05 20:19]

Four postdoctoral researchers from China's prestigious Peking University, who are specialized in the field of low carbon economy, share their perspectives on building low-carbon cities. They are Dr Li Jinbing, Dr Liang Shengping, Dr Tian Huimin and Dr Wu Zhenghong.

PKU economists: The idea of 'Smart New City' (I)

PKU economists: China in critical period of low carbon development (II)

PKU economists: Sound motivating mechanism needed (III)

PKU economists: The idea of 'Smart New City' (I)

[2011-03-05 20:19]

Four postdoctoral researchers from China's prestigious Peking University, who are specialized in the field of low carbon economy, share their perspectives on building low-carbon cities. They are Dr Li Jinbing, Dr Liang Shengping, Dr Tian Huimin and Dr Wu Zhenghong.

Time-of-use electric pricing system is more reasonable

[2011-03-04 19:34]

Cai Guoxiong is a member of the 11th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. He shared his opinions about how to build low-carbon cities, mainly in the field of electric power consumption.

Cai Guoxiong: Time-of-use electric pricing system is more reasonable

[2011-03-04 19:34]

Cai Guoxiong is a member of the 11th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. He shared his opinions about how to build low-carbon cities, mainly in the field of electric power consumption. More

Mao Yushi: 'Environment, or GDP, we have to make the choice'

[2011-03-04 10:58]

Mao Yushi is a well-known micro-economist who has held positions at Harvard University and the Beijing Institute of Economics. He graduated in 1950 from the faculty of engineering of Jiaotong University in Shanghai and has been chairman of the Unirule Institute of Economics since 1999.

Tomas Anker Christensen: The Danish model of low-carbon cities (I)

[2011-02-25 10:42]

In the past 30 years, Denmark has been successful in sustaining rapid economic growth and at the same time reducing energy dependency and CO2 emissions. China Daily reporters had an exclusive interview with Tomas Anker Christensen, undersecretary of Center for Global Challenges from the Danish Foreign Ministry. He spoke about “the Danish example” and the cooperation between China and Denmark in low-carbon urban development.See Part 2

Tomas Anker Christensen: The Danish model of low-carbon cities (I)

[2011-02-25 10:42]

In the past 30 years, Denmark has been successful in sustaining rapid economic growth and at the same time reducing energy dependency and CO2 emissions. China Daily reporters had an exclusive interview with Tomas Anker Christensen, undersecretary of Center for Global Challenges from the Danish Foreign Ministry. He spoke about “the Danish example” and the cooperation between China and Denmark in low-carbon urban development.See Part 2
