Business / Video

Mao Yushi: Environment, or GDP, we have to make the choice

[2011-02-24 16:53]

The term "low carbon society" is frequently discussed among authorities and organizations. Is "low carbon" a practical target or just a fancy concept? Mao Yushi, a well-known economist usually referred to as "Lu Xun in economics field", explains his views, from an economic perspective, about "low carbon".

Under the blue sky

[2011-01-26 09:52]

Greenpeace calls for action with ocean installation

[2010-12-09 06:46]

In a symbolic demonstration, campaigners from Greenpeace immersed models of iconic global structures in the sea off Cancun to illustrate the threat of climate change.

Eat my garbage

[2010-12-08 21:35]

Dozens of residents in Beijigng's Dongsi community are keeping boxes of earthworms at their homes. For what? To eat their kitchen garbage.

KP future overcast in Cancun

[2010-12-07 10:16]

The future of the Kyoto Protocol poses a big question mark in the second week of Cancun climate change negotiations, Indian Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh told China Daily before meeting with representatives from more than 190 countries on Monday morning.

Kyoto Protocol's future overcast in Cancun

[2010-12-07 02:25]

The future of the Kyoto Protocol poses a big question mark in the second week of Cancun climate change negotiations, Indian Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh told China Daily before meeting with representatives from more than 190 countries on Monday morning.

China's top climate negotiator speaks about two keywords

[2010-12-06 11:17]

A balanced outcome in Cancun and the Kyoto Protocol - China's top climate negotiator Su Wei explains two keywords to China Daily during an exclusive interview at the 2010 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Cancun, Mexico on Dec 4.

UN Climate Change Conference comes to crossroads

[2010-12-06 11:17]

Martin Khor, the executive director of the South Center, talked to China Daily at the 2010 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Cancun, Mexico on Dec 4.

Interview with climate change special envoy of World Bank

[2010-12-04 08:12]

Exclusive interview with Andrew Steer, climate change special envoy of the World Bank Group.

Brazil's ambassador of climate change talks to China Daily in Mexico

[2010-12-03 11:00]

Sergio Serra, Brazil's ambassador of climate change, talks to China Daily at the 2010 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Cancun, Mexico.

Top climate negotiator talks about China's role in Cancun

[2010-12-03 11:00]

China's top climate negotiator Su Wei talks about China's role at the 2010 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Cancun, Mexico.

Japan gets criticisms for rejecting Kyoto Protocol

[2010-12-03 09:28]

TCKTCKTCK campaigners urge Japan not to kill the Kyoto Protocol.

Temperature highs recorded for 2010, warming trends continue

[2010-12-03 03:12]

The year 2010 has almost certainly been among the top three warmest years since the beginning of instrumental climate records in 1850, according to data sources compiled by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

A Greener China

[2010-11-25 10:29]

Low-carbon at home

[2010-09-27 08:55]

Friends of Nature launched a new low-carbon project to promote the power-save lifestyle. In this project, volunteers will interview and help urban families to measure the energy consumption at home.

Dolphins: Concern for coastal habitats

[2010-09-03 17:52]

The dolphins are pinkish white, light or dark gray with big humps and slightly curved fins. They are the Chinese White Dolphins, which are unique to China and a top state-protected wildlife.

Photography to Preserve Nature

[2010-07-26 17:15]

Reacting to Climate Change

[2010-05-27 09:15]

Angelique Songco, a dive master and director of the Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park, the largest marine park in the Philippines, is intensely feeling the effects of global warming and combating it with a variety of measures.

Building last line of defense against desert

[2010-05-25 07:52]

Villagers turn to trees as the last hope in holding back spreading desert. Daniel Chinoy reports from Inner Mongolia.

Climate change forum held in Beijing

[2010-05-10 14:55]

International cooperation conference on green economy and climate change was held in Beijing on May 7-9, hundreds of government officials, experts and scholars, and enterprise representatives all over the world attended the meeting.
