
Weekly Property Data

Updated: 2010-04-15 17:17
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Weekly Property Data

A woman walks past a sign for property developer China Vanke Co in Shanghai. [Agencies]

New property projects to start pre-sale in Shanghai in April

A total of 62 new property projects will start pre-sales in Shanghai in April, up 63 percent from March. Analysts said the significant growth resulted from the developer's fears over tightening policies that may be introduced if prices remain too high.

Related readings:
Weekly Property Data Action hots up on the Shanghai realty front





Weekly Property Data

33.81 billion yuan

Shanghai's new housing mortgage loans

Shanghai's new personal housing mortgage loans hit 33.81 billion yuan in the first quarter, up 31.13 billion(so it was only 2.6 billion in the first quarter of 2009?) yuan year-on-year, according to the Shanghai headquarter of the People's Bank of China.

Related readings:
Weekly Property Data Shanghai personal mortgage loans way up 



3 million

Weekly Property Data

New apartments to be built for low-income families

China's goal for 2010 is to build 3 million apartments for low-income families, renovate 2.8 million in urban shantytown areas, and expand renovation of dilapidated houses in rural areas, an unidentified official with the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development told a teleconference.

Related readings:
Weekly Property Data China to boost low-income housing building




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