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China Daily Website

  • Top leaders urge improving rural conditions

    2013-10-10 10:47

    Top Chinese leaders have urged improving the working and living conditions in rural areas, citing successes in the eastern province of Zhejiang.

  • China corn output to hit record high

    2013-10-09 10:08

    China's maize production could hit a record high of 215 million tons in 2013 despite drought and flooding in the country's major breadbaskets.

  • Liaoning's agro exports hits $3.31b

    2013-10-08 17:36

    Agricultural product exports from Liaoning province were $3.31 billion in the first eight months of 2013, up 10 percent year-on-year.

  • Migrant workers less insured

    2013-10-06 07:05

    Less than 24 percent of migrant workers in eight urban areas are covered by public health insurance in the cities in which they work, according to a recent study.

  • You can bet the farm on tradition

    2013-09-24 07:15

    China is home to a time-honored and rich agricultural civilization, characterized by harmonious economic and ecological values. The rich heritage of traditional agriculture, and the harmony it has established between humans and nature can be used to develop modern agriculture in an eco-friendly way. Villages that practice age-old farming traditions are also the standard bearers of diverse ethnic cultures.

  • China increases rural medical insurance subsidies

    2013-09-12 09:32

    Medical insurance subsidies for rural residents will increase in 2013, China's health authority said on Wednesday.

  • Education Ministry working to attract more rural teachers

    2013-09-12 02:41

    The Ministry of Education and education departments at all levels are seeking to improve the attraction of teaching in rural areas as an occupation.

  • Premier stresses education equality

    2013-09-10 10:20

    Chinese Premier Li Keqiang stressed raising education quality in underdeveloped regions while visiting teachers in Dalian.

  • Farmers brew up wealth with native cup of tea

    2013-08-20 09:40

    Farmers brew up wealth with native cup of tea

  • Lingering droughts affect 16.7m people in SW China

    2013-08-14 15:54

    Lingering droughts affect 16.7m people in SW China

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