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  • Wuzhong to develop Halal industry

    2013-03-15 16:36

    Bai Shangcheng, mayor of the city of Wuzhong, Northwest China's Ningxia Hui autonomous region talks on how to develop the Halal industry.

  • Zhongwei shares charms of deserts

    2013-03-14 16:56

    Xu Liqun, mayor of Zhongwei,Ningxia Hui autonomous region shares his views on how the city develops its sand tourism.

  • Get systems ready to ease urbanization throes

    2013-03-17 10:00

    China Daily reporter Song Jingli sat down with Wang Heshan, a NPC deputy and vice governor of Ningxia Hui autonomous region, to share with us the characteristics of the urbanization drive in Ningxia and what "a good urbanizaiton model" would be like. More>>

  • More private capital needed at urbanization's disposal

    2013-03-17 10:01

    Wang Heshan, a NPC deputy and vice governor of Ningxia Hui autonomous region, talks about how to fully use local rescources, engage more private capital, and lure talents to build an inland economic pilot zone as part of Ningxia's urbanization drive.

  • NPC deputy suggests municipal bonds to boost urbanization

    2013-03-17 16:48

    Zhou Xuedong, president of the Nanjing branch of the People's Bank of China suggests China allow municipal governments to issue bonds.

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