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Chu heralds change

Updated: 2009-01-05 08:05
(China Daily)

Barack Obama's nomination of a Nobel Prize-winning Chinese American scientist as the new energy secretary indicates the incoming US administration will take a tough climate change policy and may expect more cooperation from China on this issue, says a Beijing News story. The following is an excerpt:

President-elect Obama chose Dr Steven Chu, a Nobel Prize laureate of Chinese heritage, to head the US energy department. Chu's nomination, if passed by Congress, will bring another American of Asian descendent to the US Cabinet.

Chu's nomination signals Obama's intent to refresh American politics and make them more inclusive. Obama's Cabinet includes a number of new and even obscure politicians.

Chu is an environmental conservationist and is not only opposed to excessive fossil fuel use but also takes a critical approach to America's new energy policies.

The president-elect said energy and environmental protection are closely related to US national security and would be on the top of his agenda at a recent press conference.

The US cannot significantly alter energy and environmental practices worldwide without more support from China. Chu's Chinese blood may help ease US communication with the East Asian nation and reduce some of the friction that climate change issues create between the two countries.

World leaders are to discuss and sign a new version of the Kyoto Protocol this year. Chu could be instrumental in helping the US adopt a leadership role on climate change and getting the world on the same page.

(China Daily 01/05/2009 page2)

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