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Paris Hilton 'Fired' from Club Paris

World Entertainment News Network | Updated: 2007-01-05 16:53

Paris Hilton 'Fired' from Club Paris

HOLLYWOOD - Paris Hilton will no longer be associated with two nightclubs called Club Paris, because the socialite's failure to attend scheduled appearances has angered the venues' owner.

Fred Khalilian refuses to change the name of his flagship club in Orlando, Florida, or that of its sister club in nearby Jacksonville.

He has now "fired" Hilton, who even arrived six hours late for the Orlando club's opening two years ago, and wants the two Club Paris venues to refer to the French capital instead.

Khalilian says, "She's created a circus for herself. It's all about, How has she screwed up now?"

Hilton's spokesman Elliot Mintz, who claims neither Hilton nor himself have been contacted by Khalilian, says, "I'm certainly disappointed to learn of Fred's unfortunate comments. We shall address his statements at the appropriate time."  (via hollywood.com)