CHINA> Taiwan, HK, Macao
Chinese vice president winds up Hong Kong visit
Updated: 2008-07-08 15:47

Hong Kong's Chief Executive Donald Tsang (L) presents a photo album to Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping at the Government Flying Service in Hong Kong, July 8, 2008. [Agencies]

HONG KONG - Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping wound up his three-day visit to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) on Tuesday after meeting members of the Government Flying Service.

Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping delivers a speech at the welcoming banquet in Hong Kong, South China, July 7, 2008. [Xinhua] 

"My desired purpose for this tour has been well achieved," Xi told the press before leaving the headquarters of the HKSAR Government Flying Service (GFS) for Shenzhen of neighboring Guangdong province.

"After the field inspection, I am fully confident that Hong Kong will hold successful equestrian events of the 2008 Beijing Olympics and Paralympics," he said.

Xi arrived at the GFS headquarters near the Hong Kong International Airport on Tuesday morning to thank more than 120 members from the GFS, the Fire Service and the medical and epidemic prevention teams for their recent efforts in the rescue and relief work in earthquake-battered areas in Sichuan Province in southwest China.

After briefed by officials of the HKSAR government on the city's contribution to the earthquake rescue and relief work, Xi expressed his grateful thanks and sincere respects to them on behalf of the central government and Sichuan people.

"What you have done for Sichuan and the country will be remembered forever in the hearts of people in the mainland and those in earthquake-stricken areas," Xi said.

Xi expressed his hopes that the HKSAR government and Hong Kong people of all sectors will unite closely and cooperate sincerely with each other for a brighter future of Hong Kong and a happier life of the citizens.

Xi arrived in Hong Kong on Sunday morning and met widely with principal HKSAR officials and the public during his three-day visit. He also inspected the equestrian event venues in the city's run-up to the upcoming Beijing Olympics and Paralympics scheduled on August.