CHINA> Profiles
Once a masseur, now a singer
By Xie Fang (China Daily)
Updated: 2008-09-10 09:52

Yang Haitao could not see the stunning setting for his performance at the Bird's Nest, nor could the blind singer hear the thunderous applause because of the monitor earphones he was wearing, but he cherishes the moment.

"If I am able to see for three days, the people I want to see most are my father, mother and you," he said to the audience at the Opening Ceremony of the Beijing Paralympic Games.

Yang, who is a member of the China Disabled People's Performing Art Troupe, suffers from congenital blindness.

Yang Haitao gives a moving rendition of Heaven at the Paralympics Opening September 6 2008. [Xinhua]

The song Heaven that he sang was written about three years ago. While the 26-year-old has sung the song before, an English version was added for the Opening Ceremony, for the first time. But the poorly-educated Gansu native delivered it with great aplomb.

After graduating from primary school in 1998, Yang studied massage in order to make a living. During class breaks, he often sang a cappella for classmates. He also played an active role in some theater festivals.

However, Yang didn't think then that he could be a professional singer.

"I felt there were many blind singers who were better. So I convinced myself to have more realistic goals," he recalls.

In 2001, Yang went to Guangdong to make a living as a masseur. But a few months later, the art troupe recruited him and even asked him to get ready to perform abroad.

In order to win over local audiences, Yang has to learn at least one song in the language of every country he visits. This poses a challenge to the singer who cannot speak any foreign language.

Yang says he tries to practice in the night "as I can concentrate better when there is less noise and hear every word of the song".

He usually takes no more than three days to learn a new song.

Over the past six years, Yang has visited more than 30 countries, including South Korea, Switzerland, Denmark and Mexico.

"Music is a part of my life," says Yang, but he is happy to offer massage to his team members when required.

The blind singer is still single and hopes to find a girl "as beautiful as the one I sing about in Heaven", he says with a smile.