CHINA> Society
Row over text phone porn disrupts factory
(China Daily)
Updated: 2008-11-11 09:18

A porn cell phone message sent by an employee of a Chongqing factory has caused 750,000 yuan ($109,000) in losses when vendettas spilled over into industrial sabotage.

On Oct 6 last year, Li who was employed at a factory in Xiushan county, Chongqing, sent a porn picture to the cell phone of his colleague surnamed Yang, who later told her family of the lewd message. The next day, Yang's cousin Yang Bing led three men to the factory to beat Li.

When the four men left, Li went to Yang's office and kicked her, prompting Yang Bing to return and fight Li again.

Later, Yang Bing went to the factory's control room and cut the power supply, causing three-fourths of a million yuan in losses.

Yang Bing was sentenced to three years in jail for his trouble.

(Chongqing Evening News)