CHINA> National
China, Madagascar vow to boost ties
Updated: 2008-11-12 09:30

ANTANANARIVO -- Chinese top legislator Wu Bangguo and Madagascar President Marc Ravalomanana said here on Tuesday that they will do their utmost to boost ties between the two countries.

Madagascan President Marc Ravalomanana(R) meets with Wu Bangguo, chairman of the Standing Committee of China's National People's Congress(NPC), the country's top legislature, in Antananarivo, capital of Madagascar, Nov. 11, 2008. [Xinhua]

The commitment was made during their talks in the presidential palace during Wu's first ever visit to the African country.

Wu, chairman of the Standing Committee of China's National People's Congress (NPC) said "Over recent years, relations between China and Madagascar have developed very rapidly thanks to efforts made by both sides. Now, our two countries have enjoyed frequent high-level exchanges and mutual understanding and trust has been built and promoted. Bilateral trade and economic cooperation has witnessed a vigorous boost."

"My visit to your country is designed to enhance cooperation with your country, materialize the ideas shared by leaders of our two countries and to promote further bilateral ties," Wu said.

In this aspect, Wu also made a three-point proposal including strengthening cooperation between the two governments, ruling parties and two legislatures, and the cooperation in agriculture especially in rice growing technology, as well as between the enterprises of the two countries.

Ravalomanna made it clear that he agreed with Wu's comments on bilateral ties and his proposals on further developing the partnership, saying that his ruling party has prioritized its relationship with China and that China's experience in party management is of high reference value for his party.

"The practical cooperation between our two countries has grown to a relatively high level, but there is still much room for further cooperation," he said.

The Madagascan president said that the more important thing now is that the mutual trust has already been established between the ruling parties of the two countries, which promises a bright future for their cooperation in years to come.

Wu arrived in Madagascar on Monday for a two-day official visit, the fourth leg of his five-nation African tour.

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