CHINA> National
China withholds 300 tons of Irish pork products at port
Updated: 2008-12-11 00:16

BEIJING -- China's entry-exit and quarantine inspectors detained about 312 tons of Irish pork products across the country, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) said here on Wednesday.

Another 93 tons of Irish pork products had already entered China's markets and were being recalled, according to AQSIQ.

Problematic pork products are to be returned to Ireland or destroyed.

AQSIQ suspended the import of Irish pork products and animal feed on Monday after the products were suspected to be tainted with dioxin, a chemical derived from petroleum and believed to be adverse to human health.

Local entry-exit and quarantine inspectors were required to recall and return pork products already in China if they were made in Ireland after September 1.

Statistics showed China had imported 2,047 tons of pork products since September.