CHINA> Taiwan, HK, Macao
World media hail links
(China Daily)
Updated: 2008-12-16 07:56

The launch of direct transport and postal links between the mainland and Taiwan was major news in global media organizations. The following are excerpts from their coverage:

New York Times

The 80-minute flight (by Shenzhen Airlines) marked the first direct, daily cross-Straits traffic since the end of the civil war in 1949 and another dramatic step in the improvement of relations

Associated Press

The new transportation links mark a major step forward in business ties between Taiwan and the mainland, begun amid great fanfare in the early 1990s, but long limited by political tensions. Before Ma (Ying-jeou) took office in May, direct flights across the Straits were limited to Chinese holidays, and ships had to stop briefly at the Japanese island of Ishigaki.


The mainland and Taiwan launched direct daily flights, postal and shipping services on Monday in a historic move hailed by both sides as cementing a new era in warm ties.

The direct links ended the tedious and costly delays of having to go via a third party's air space or territorial waters, while also providing one of the most tangible benefits of a dramatic rapprochement this year.


From now on, there will be more flights to more destinations.

The opening up will not only cut travel and shipping times, but the costs of doing business between the two key trading partners, which are currently suffering from the global economic downturn.