CHINA> National
China calls for cease-fire in Gaza
Updated: 2009-01-06 20:11

BEIJING - China on Tuesday called for a cease-fire in Gaza and pledged to work with the international community to get the Palestine-Israel issue back on track to political settlement.

"China urges the relevant sides to stop military action and armed conflict to prevent the civilians casualties and create condition for peaceful talks and political settlement," said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang.

He told a regular press conference that China had been seriously concerned over the escalating conflict and humanitarian crisis in Gaza area.

Qin said Chinese government had done a lot in resolving the Gaza conflict.

Chinese President Hu Jintao and US President George W. Bush, as well as Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, discussed the issue in a phone conversation.

Chinese Foreign Ministry and special envoy to the Middle-east region Sun Bigan have kept close contact with the parties involved.

China decided to offer one million US dollars in emergency humanitarian aid for the Palestinian National Authority (PNA).

"China will continue to offer humanitarian aid to Palestinian side with its own capability," Qin said.

Strong call for restraint in Mideast conflict

China's top envoy on the Middle East affairs has voiced a strong call for the involved parties in the ongoing conflict to exercise restraint, cease military action and armed conflict and create conditions for peaceful talks and political settlement.

In a press release Tuesday, Sun Bigan, China's special envoy to the Middle East Region, said "military actions could contribute nothing but break down the hard-won peace process in the region."

Sun made the remarks during respective meetings with ambassadors from Arabian countries on Monday and Israel on Tuesday.

Sun also urged the international community to take its due responsibility to help promote the issue back to the right track for political settlement, according to the press release.

During the meetings, Sun said that China offered one million U.S. dollars in emergency humanitarian aid to the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) on December 30, 2008.

It will continue to provide humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people in proper ways and up to its capacity, he said.

Sun said China has done a lot of work to help resolve the Gaza conflict. It felt deeply concerned about the escalating conflict and humanitarian crisis in the Gaza area.