CHINA> National
Freed engineer leaves Pakistan for China
Updated: 2009-02-18 14:59

ISLAMABAD -- A Chinese engineer who was released from the custody of Taliban in northwestern Pakistan has left here for China on Wednesday.

Long Xiaowei tells of his ordeal while held captive by Pakistani Taliban militants at the Chinese embassy in Islamabad Sunday, Feb. 15, 2009. [Xinhua]

The engineer named Long Xiaowei boarded a China Southern Airlines flight heading for Urumqi in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in China.

Related readings:
 Taliban free captive Chinese engineer in Pakistan
 Freed engineer tells of Taliban ordeal
 Engineer released by Taliban
 Released Chinese engineer reaches Islamabad

 One Chinese engineer abducted by Taliban fled, the other re-arrested

Charge d'affaires of the Chinese Embassy to Pakistan Yao Jing, while seeing off the engineer, expressed thanks to the Pakistani authorities for their great efforts for the engineer's release.

Long expressed his gratitude to the Chinese government, the embassy and the Pakistani authorities for his final release.  

Long was set free and handed over to Pakistani police on Saturday. Long and his colleague were abducted by militants in Lower Dir district in North West Frontier Province in August last year.

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