CHINA> Regional
Beijing drivers to get refunds of road maintenance fees
By Xie Chuanjiao (China Daily)
Updated: 2009-03-17 09:09

Motorists in Beijing can look forward to receiving refunds of their road maintenance fees starting April 16.

The refunds will be given to private motorists taken off the road under a series of restrictions since last July.

Most affected motorists will receive about 440 yuan ($64) each, with the refund involving 2.7 million vehicles and a total of more than 1.5 billion yuan, authorities at a joint press conference held by agencies including the capital's departments of transportation, road management and finance said yesterday.

Hu Junfeng, a senior manager of a local IT company, welcomed the refund.

"But I really hope there are some other solutions to the capital's traffic jam instead of the current restrictions," Hu said.

"The policy troubles me when I have something really important to do on a restricted day," he added.

Beijing vehicles were only allowed on roads on alternate days, according to odd and even numbered license plates, during the Olympics and Paralympics last July to September, to help ensure smooth traffic and good air quality in the capital.

Local authorities restricted each private motorist from the road one day a week, with authorities promising a refund of road maintenance fees. The move, which began last October, ends next month.

The refund will be completed through bank transfers in two phases, said Li Gongke, deputy head of the road maintenance fee supervision department of the city's road management bureau.

The department will provide personal information of qualified vehicle owners and the amount of the refund to the bank, then the bank will track the owners' bank accounts and transfer the refunds between April 16 and 30.

Those without a peony transport card of the bank can go to the maintenance fee collection departments in the city to register by 4 pm on April 15, and the later will provide person-to-person services in phases from May 4 until September 30, according to the end numbers of car plates.

As the transfer through peony cards is the most convenient method, the officials suggested car owners get one at a nearby bank outlet.

"Within 15 days the card will be ready for your pick up," said Yin Jiacheng, general manager with the bank card management department of the Beijing bank.

Car owners can log on to for more information.

Those found violating the car restriction policies will not be eligible for refunds, Li said.

The press conference made no comment on the current restriction rules and authorities promised to update the results of the restrictions and the steps they intend to take when the policies draw to a conclusion in mid-April.