CHINA> National
China urges restraint on DPRK nuclear issue
Updated: 2009-03-31 20:22

BEIJING -- China on Tuesday urged parties involved in the Korean Peninsular nuclear issue to show restraint and do more to safeguard peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula and northeast Asia.

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Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang told a regular press briefing that China would keep close contacts with concerned parties.

His remarks came in response to a question concerning the Democratic People's Republic of Korea's (DPRK) planned satellite launch.

"China has paid close attention to the development of the issue. Parties involved should stay cool-headed and show restraint at the current stage, and avoid any action that may further complicate the situation," Qin said.

"We hope parties concerned could do more to promote the peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula and northeast Asia, as well as the six-party talks," Qin said.