CHINA> National
President Hu arrives in London for G20 summit
Updated: 2009-04-01 19:53

At the Washington summit last November, the leaders of the G20 states agreed to enhance cooperation and work together to restore global growth and achieve needed reforms in the world's financial system.

"The global financial crisis that started last year has taken its toll on the world economy on an unprecedented scale. To cope with the crisis, a strong signal must be sent from the upcoming London summit that the international community is determined to act together to get through the time of hardship," Chinese Vice-Premier Wang Qishan said in an article published in the Times newspaper on March 27.

Wang said that to overcome the current difficulties, the international community should enhance coordination on macroeconomic policies.

"Efforts should be made to expand trade and investment co-operation to bolster economic growth, step up cooperation among small and medium-size businesses to ensure employment stability, and strengthen cooperation in energy conservation and emissions reduction, environmental protection and development of new energy technologies to nurture growth points for the world economy," Wang said.

On the sidelines of the London summit, President Hu was expected to meet his U.S. counterpart Barack Obama and discuss Sino-U.S. relations and other important issues of common concern.

The White House announced earlier that the two leaders will meet on Wednesday in London.

This will be the first meeting between the two leaders since Obama took office in January.

In a telephone conversation with Obama on January 30, Hu said that China is ready to strengthen dialogue, promote mutual trust and expand cooperation with the United States in a bid to confront various global challenges together and push forward a stable development of the Sino-U.S. relationship.

Obama said in the conversation that the U.S. is expecting closer cooperation with China on major international and regional issues, and that the American government is willing to join hands with China to develop a more active and constructive bilateral relationship.

The Chinese president is also expected to meet British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and other leaders of G20 states on the sidelines of the summit.

Later in the evening, President Hu, together with other leaders, is expected to attend a reception hosted by Queen Elizabeth II and a working dinner hold by Brown.

The G20 consists of China, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, Britain, the United States, and the European Union.

To ensure a balanced regional representation, the chair of the New Partnership for Africa's Development, the chair of the Association of South East Asian Nations and the president of the European Commission are also invited. The chairman of the African Union Commission will also attend.

In addition, Britain has also invited the heads of key international institutions, including the United Nations, World Bank and International Monetary Fund to contribute to relevant parts of the agenda.

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